"By 2030, no country - whether it is in the
United States, China or any other big country - the hegemonic state
personal empowerment, the dispersion of power between states, as well as
the power from the national to the informal network of dispersed, will
produce profound influence on major historic rise of Western reversed
since 1750 to regain the weight in the global economy in Asia, and turn
in the international and domestic levels 'democratization' a new era. "
Assert that the end of U.S. hegemony, as well as the
reversal of the rise of the West Asian weighty resume, no doubt is the
most striking of these words. More striking is that these
words do not come from a U.S. think tank report, but from the U.S.
National Intelligence Council has just released the 10th report "Global
Trends 2030: the world.
U.S. National Intelligence Council to assist the work
of the Director of National Intelligence, responsible for unified,
coordinated intelligence community's strategic intelligence analysis,
called the U.S. intelligence community, "the center of the medium-and
long-term strategic thinking. Global Trends Report is an
important assessment of the committee of intelligence products, is
intended to provide for the newly elected president about the next 15
years, the global trend is forecast to provide a framework for thinking
vision of strategic policy for the White House and the intelligence
community. The report submitted to the general in the Presidential Election Day and Inauguration Day between elected president.
The official U.S. report bluntly the end of the
hegemony of the United States, it is rare in the just-concluded U.S.
presidential election, the two presidential candidates are afraid to
even mention the "fading". However, the U.S. National
Intelligence Council claims to provide decision-makers with the "best
information" that is "genuine, impartial, its judgment is consistent
with current U.S. policy". The members of the Committee are
senior experts from government, academia and the private sector, this
global trend report released also experienced the commentaries of the
experts of the United States and nearly 20 countries, as well as
opinions from the Internet. "This report is intended to
stimulate thinking for the world today, rapid and enormous geopolitical
changes, as well as the next 15 to 20 years may be a global trend." The
report said. Christopher, chairman of the U.S. National
Intelligence Council, Keji Mu 10, 2009 at the National Press Club in
Washington, held a press conference, he stressed that the report is not
to predict the future, but are designed to provide for the newly elected
president and his government for the next 15-20 years. global strategic
assessment framework.
"Global Trends 2030" report is divided into three
parts, one is the trend, including personal empowerment,
decentralization, population paradigm, food, water and energy coupling
relations; second is the "game-changing" and that some The track is far
from the OK key variables, including the global economic crisis may
occur, governance divide may increase conflict and wider regional
instability, the impact of new technology, the role of the United
States; 2030 may appear four cases (World): "engine flameout", "fusion",
"bottle release 'Gini' (factor)," non-state world.
"Personal empowerment" part in the "trend", the report
says, because of poverty reduction, the widespread use of the growth of
the global middle class, greater educational achievement, new
communication and manufacturing technology, and medical advances,
personal strength be enhanced further, may be more forceful in
addressing global challenges, but individuals and small groups will also
be easier to get a deadly weapon or ability, such as precision strike
capability, network tools, and chemical and biological weapons, enabling
the manufacture of large-scale violence. About the
"decentralization", the report asserts that "will no longer have any
hegemonic power", "power will be transferred to the various networks and
alliances in a multi-polar world". "Asian global power
(based on GDP, population size, military spending and investment in
technology) will be more than the sum of North America and Europe." The
report said China may become the largest economy in 2030, the health of
the global economy will be increasingly linked with the economic
performance of developing countries. "In addition to China,
India, Brazil, the regional powers, such as Colombia, Indonesia,
Nigeria, South Africa and Turkey will become the world economy,
especially important to the country. At the same time, Europe, Japan,
and Russia's economy is likely to continue to slowly relative
recession." Report also pointed out that the nature of power is also
changed some of the strongest fundamentals (such as gross domestic
product (GDP), population size, etc.), great powers must learn to
operate in a multi-polar world, networks and alliances to wield.
Among the population paradigm ", the report said
Western countries and most developing countries are aging trend,
economic growth is likely to decline; 60% of the world's population will
live in cities, bringing food and water pressure; immigrants growing
increasingly become transnational issues. The report also
predicted that due to the growth of the global population, food, water
and energy needs will be substantial growth, and solve problems related
to a commodity will also be associated with other commodities, the
supply and demand. A large structural changes that may arise, the United States will achieve energy independence.
Part of the "game-changing", the report discusses six key variables. First, the global economic crisis may occur. Imbalance
and instability of the global economic development will result in the
collapse of, or increase the toughness of the global economy? The
report believes that the next decade is unlikely to return to growth
rates before 2008, and the rapid globalization of the mode, but can not
rule out the possibility of another global economic crisis occurring. "The
prospects for the world economy will become increasingly dependent on
the prospects of the 'East' and 'South'." The report refers to the
contribution of developing countries to global economic growth of more
than 70%, while China's contribution is 1.5 times the U.S. contribution.
The report cites the assessment of the World Bank, said
that by 2025, China will contribute about 1/3 of the global economic
growth, far more than any other economy. The report also
pointed out that China also faces its own challenges, such as the
slowdown in economic growth, may fall into the "middle-income trap".
The second is the governance gap. The face
of rapid change, governments and international institutions is the
ability to adapt quickly, they will be "overwhelming"? The
report argues that the current general Western domination of
international institutions, such as the United Nations Security Council,
the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, Organization, 2030 may
have been converted to the new world economic realities consistent. Third, the conflict is likely to increase. Report that, due to the changes in the international system, the increase in the risk of inter-state conflict. The
report said that the consideration of important countries (especially
China, India and Russia) change, the increase in the scramble for
resources, easier access to the tools of war, so that the increase in
the risk of conflict between countries. But is unlikely to
occur all the major powers involved in the World War, because of the
economic and political damage big countries aware of the large-scale
conflict. Report that, in the next 20 years, the United
States will be the extent to be able to continue to play international
system defenders of concern, and a decline of the United States is
unwilling or no longer able to ensure global security, will be the key
factors that lead to instability in the world , especially in Asia and
the Middle East.
Fourth, a wider range of instability in the region. The
report said the turmoil in the Middle East and South Asia could cause
wider instability, but "the lack of a stable regional security
framework," increasingly multi-polar Asia will be one of the biggest
global threats. The report said, "fear of Chinese power,
the possibility of rising nationalism in China, and the United States is
still involved in the affairs of the region may bring problems will
increase instability in Asia. Fifth, the impact of new technologies. The
men are able to have timely access to the scientific and technological
breakthroughs, to improve productivity and to solve the problem due to
global population growth, rapid urbanization and climate change?
Sixth, the role of the United States. The
report that the international role of the United States how it will
evolve in the next 15-20 years, the United States whether to reshape the
international system of cooperation with new partner countries, it is
difficult to determine. The most likely scenario is that
the United States to become equal partners in the first place, the
United States still has a wide range of hard power and soft power
advantage. Reported that "However, with the rapid rise of
other countries 'unipolar moment' has been in the past, 'the United
States under the rule of peace' - began in 1945 in the United States in
the international political reign - is rapidly ending." The U.S.
position in the world by whether it is successful in helping to manage
international crises determined. "If Asia is a repeat of
the history of Europe in the 19th century and the early 20th century,
the United States will be called on to become a 'balanced hand', to
ensure the stability of the region." Dollars if you can not continue to
be the international reserve currency, economic and political status in
the United States will be greatly weakened . The report at
the same time, 2030, the United States is unlikely to be another global
power is replaced, the emerging countries have no intention to establish
a new international system. The report said that the
emerging countries "of the US-led international order ambivalence or
even resentment, but they benefit from, and are more interested in the
continued economic development and political consolidation. In addition, the emerging countries is not huddled, so it will not propose any a unified alternative global architecture.
Report also suggested several possible large global
factors: severe infectious diseases; faster climate change; euro area or
EU collapse; "a democratic or collapse of China"; "a reform of Iran";
nuclear war or weapons of mass destruction, cyber attacks; solar storms;
detachment of the United States and the world.
The combination of above-trend and "change the game"
factors, the report envisages four cases in 2030, representing a
different path leading to the 2030. First, "turn off the engine. This
is the "worst case": the United States and the EU turned its attention
to China, no longer interested in maintaining its global leadership, and
an increased risk of conflict between countries, globalization, and
global economic stagnation. The second is a "fusion". This
is a "best case": China and the United States to cooperate on a range
of issues, driven by broader global cooperation; international
multilateral institutions experienced reform and more inclusive,
developing and developed countries in economic growth. Third
bottle release 'Gini (factor)', that is the extreme inequality of
international and domestic inequality increased social tensions in the
country, Europe and the United States to become the winner in the
international country to become a failed state; large country
differences of opinion, the likelihood of conflict increases. Fourth,
the "non-state world", that is due to the new technology-driven,
non-state actors (such as non-governmental organizations, the rise of
multinational corporations, academic institutions, wealthy individuals,
etc.), and to take the lead in the face of global challenges.
The report pointed out that the Commission and national
experts on the discussion of the first draft of the report, "China is a
key theme," A lot of people agree with the proposed US-China relations
may shape the future of the most important bilateral relationship ". In
every part of the report, "China" appear frequently, the development of
the Chinese middle class, the trend of economic growth, overall
national strength, population trends, urbanization, resource supply,
food supply, the relationship between the neighboring countries have
become report concerns. National Intelligence Council
Counselor Matthew, Barros said at a news conference to answer about the
issue of Sino-US relations, the United States and China now appears
unlikely to be caught in conflict; greater than the face of global
challenges, the possibility of cooperation between China and the United
States confrontation. In fact, he said the United States are more worried about a weakening of China. He
pointed out that Sino-US leaders recognize that there are many issues
that need cooperation between the two countries in the world, China and
the United States maintain a high level of cooperation is not an
unrealistic expectation.
The U.S. National Intelligence Council launched the
report, of course, is not just to Luo lists these trends or factors, but
by national policy-makers in the United States and even to shape
conducive to the United States, in line with U.S. interests and values
of the future world order . Christopher Keji Mu, Chairman
of the National Intelligence Council, said, "We are at a critical
juncture in the history of mankind", "the future is uncertain, but it is
plastic, the next big trend, the result of the interaction between the
key variables and governance institutions .