British Prime Minister David Cameron, 22 left the EU headquarters .
forget the Nobel Peace Prize!
"To face the winner of the award this year the European Union, the
United Kingdom Reuters issued such ridicule, because the 22 EU summit"
may be more like a torture chamber ". 22 and 23, the EU
budget will be held in Brussels to discuss the budget for 2014 to 2020,
the amount, although this amount accounts for only 1% of the EU's GDP,
but the Russian newspaper "Independent" think, this is bound to take
100% of the European leaders energy."The Budget has made the crisis of the 27 countries to the brink of split, "Agence France-Presse said that the failure of the shadow of the EU budget summit. EU officials are trying to find a compromise, the the budget wire rope walk toxic. Budget cuts rich countries, poor countries want Brussels to enhance the budget to support the economic downturn in the region and industry. EU most of the region on the verge of, or already in a recession, some countries led by the United Kingdom to promote austerity, calls for a substantial reduction in the EU budget, which makes the anger of the EU's eastern and southern countries.
The German Southwest Business News "commented that the Middle East cease-fire, and the efforts of the Egyptian government, U.S. Secretary of State and the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The EU, like not exist, as an institution, not a person in the efforts. Europe is at a crossroads, "the fog of the EU" needs a Shining Path.